About Me & Reiki
"Where your thoughts go,
energy flows"
Karen Goodliffe
(nicked from somewhere, but I can't remember where)
The Reiki 'Ideals'
I really like the intention behind these ideals, and this is how I try to live my life.
Just for today, do not anger
Just for today, do not worry;
Just for today, be humble;
Just for today, be honest in your work
Just for today, show compassion towards yourself and others.
Me (& Reiki)
My three kids have all flown the nest and are becoming beautiful versions of their adult selves. I have three rescue lurchers who love to welcome people into my space (and Sydney specifically likes to check you out with a good old smell if you let him!).
I can honestly say that I am full of gratitude for the life I now have.
Alternative therapies have always worked better for my body than conventional medicine, and I am aware of just how powerful they can be. For the last 30+ years I have also had an interest in what I guess people call ‘spiritual things’ such as oracle cards, meditation and shamanism.
Life can get in the way though, and it was only after a time of emotional trauma that Reiki came into my life and rekindled my interest and fire for a more 'in tune' way of being.
In its magical and gentle way, Reiki empowered me to 'find myself' again.
As I have learnt more, practiced more and allowed myself to trust in what I can do and who I am, I now appreciate just how lucky I am to share Reiki with people and animals on a daily basis.
Me and Horses
I came to horses later in life, but as is the case with most things that I do, I found myself learning a lot very quickly, and ran the Surrey Rehabilitation Centre for old and abused horses for a charity that was based in Wales.
I would either rehabilitate them so that they could be rehomed to loving homes for life, or stay with me for the rest of their days.
It taught me many things, but the biggest one was how to really listen to and observe horses to make sure that I met their needs (and could advocate for them). My boy Sammy was with me until he was 32.