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Reiki for You

How would you like yours? 'Just Reiki' or explore your options...

The types of Reiki I offer

Each 'type' of Reiki has a different energy and works slightly differently.


I intuitively offer the Reiki you need, I call this 'Just Reiki'. We can either see what feels right on the day, or you can chose what you feel drawn to...​

Usui/Holy Fire


The 'regular' one, with the Holy Fire twist.

Holy Fire

Reiki Experience

A unique Reiki 'experience'



Deep healing of the feminine.



Healing from the Angelic realms.

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My Reiki Sessions

I work intuitively to offer whichever type of Reiki energy I feel works best for you at that moment.


You only need to decide whether you want your session in-person or online.


In-person Reiki - Hands-on Reiki is what most people are used to, and generally prefer, as it's easier to 'feel' the Reiki. Arrange to visit me in my Therapy Room at home in Lingfield, Surrey (RH7)


Book in-person Reiki


Online distance Reiki - this is just as powerful a session as hands-on Reiki, but within the comfort of your own home. You are then able to process the session in your own way, without any time constraints. The only difference in sensations is that you won't feel the heat coming from my hands.


Book online Reiki


'Just Reiki'

I've done the work, so you can just receive...

Holy Fire Reiki
an 'upgrade' to Usui Reiki

This energy is gentle and powerful all at the same time. I use this energy in my 'normal' sessions as it feels so much more powerful and healing than 'just Usui' Reiki.


This 'upgrade' to Usui Reiki was channelled by William Rand (an American Reiki Master) and it comes straight from Source to you, rather than using me as a vessel. 


​William Rand was also gifted 'Holy Fire III Experiences', which offer another dimension of healing. Each 'experience' is specific to an issue or area that needs support. We choose the experience for you and I guide you through, starting with a meditation.​


​NB: Please do not be put off by the 'Holy' part of this Reiki. The concept of 'heavenly' and 'holy' are merely terms that refer to different dimensions. For me, I understand and relate to 'Source' or 'The Creator'. It is simply semantics!


Holy Fire 'Experiences'
are offered in the form of a guided meditation

Holy Love

Relaxing and nurturing  Divine Love is offered to you.

Holy Love II

Helps heal the most significant experience by scanning your timeline.

Ocean of Holy Love

A range of conditions and issues are offered healing with this experience.

Holy Love III

Your times of conception/birth/post birth are healed, and ancestral healing.



Holy Love IV

Healing and energy will be offered to the most appropriate part of you that needs healing, working with your subconscious and below your level of awareness

Heavenly Banquet Hall

This Experience guides you to the Heavenly Banquet Hall, which exists in the third Heaven and is a place of huge Spiritual nourishment.

Book in and we can then chat about what's the right experience for you

Womb Reiki

As women, we hold so much in the womb space, both from our lifetimes and from our Ancestors,

which can cause dis-ease.


This truly is a powerful and beautiful way of using Reiki energy,

focussing around the chalice of the womb area and pelvic bowl. ​


It helps with emotional challenges as well as things like:​




peri and post menopause

menstrual issues

awakening sexual energy​


I use specific techniques, including different ways of working with energy, visualisations and an element of Shamanic work (if appropriate), we work with your intention for the session to help you find healing,

on all levels.

This energy is offered from the Angelic Realms, making it a unique form of powerful energy.


Angelic Reiki was channelled by Kevin Core, working with the Angelic Realms and Ascended Masters, offering a powerful and deep healing.


Put in real terms, I'm a vessel for Angels to work through me (although I appreciate that possibly doesn't sound very real to some!) While similar to the idea of Usui Reiki where the practitioner is a vessel, it's a different, more feminine energy in my opinion, channelled through me.


It helps with spiritual challenges like:

  • letting go of physical, emotional and karmic imbalances,

  • healing ancestral issues throughout all time and space.


It really can be quite profound, without feeling overwhelming.​ 


(and no, you don't have to 'believe' in Angels for this healing to 'work'!)

Angelic Reiki

Frequently Asked Questions

These are a selection of questions that I'm regularly asked and I thought may be useful. BUT there is no silly or wrong question, so please reach out to me if there is something that I haven't covered that you want to chat about or understand.

How is Reiki given?

You are invited to lie on my therapy bed, fully clothed. If you would like to, you can lie under a blanket to feel extra comfortable.  With your permission, I will place my hands on you, or above you, and the Reiki energy will flow to you. If you would prefer to be seated, this can be arranged.

How do you know where to put your hands?

With Usui Reiki, there is a set ‘pattern’ that I will follow, going through the seven chakras, although I will also use my intuition and deviate as I feel appropriate. Your body will then use this energy as it needs to. 


With Womb Reiki and Angelic Reiki, I work more intuitively and I am very much led by what you need at that moment, and what your intention and focus is.

What can I expect to feel?

My clients report a range of things, including deep relaxation, heat/warmth, cold/coolness,  tingling, feeling full of joy,  emotional release, seeing colours, twitching (somatic releases) or simply a feeling of being 'at peace'. ​There is no ‘right’ thing to feel, and all is welcome. 

Is there anything I need to do after a session?

After your session, your body will process the changes in energy that have happened and you may feel relaxed and sleepy, or calm and energised. Ideally, you need to drink lots of water to help eliminate anything that has have been released, and if possible avoid alcohol the evening of your session (this is purely to help the healing that has happened to settle.)

How many sessions will I need?

This is entirely up to you and totally depends on what you are hoping to achieve. A one-off session can help with an 'in the moment' issue. However if you are looking for support with a specific issue or as part of your personal growth, it is beneficial to initially have a couple of weekly sessions, moving on to fortnightly and then monthly sessions. I am very much guided by my clients and what they feel is best for them.

I have a question that isn't covered here.

Please just drop me a message, give me a call, reach out however works for you! I am very happy to answer any questions that you may have as your healing is important to me and I want to be able to offer a safe, consensual space for this to happen.

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